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What are the clinical symptoms of uneven teeth?

Snaggletoothed refers to the children in the process of development and growth, by genetic factors or acquired environmental factors, such as disease, bad oral habits, as a result of abnormal dentition teeth, jaw and facial deformity, seriously affecting the healthy development of children, treatment of missing teeth, missing teeth, the symptom is very understanding key!

What are the clinical symptoms of uneven teeth?

What are the symptoms of irregular teeth?

1. crowding and protrusion (teeth) size of canine dental arch and teeth can not match, the space is not enough to cause dental crowding with overlapping, mandibular second premolar of the late germination and hug to the lingual side.

The 2. dentition is too large, the gap between teeth arch and tooth size can not match, when the tooth is too small, tooth arch is too big, it will cause the teeth arranged sparse, there are gaps

3. buck teeth, can be divided into the teeth and bones of buck teeth, can most traditional orthodontic treatment for severe, bucktooth patient will have to cooperate with oral surgery in order to achieve the ideal appearance and occlusal function.

4. open bite, open bite of the maxillary anterior teeth and mandibular anterior teeth should be able to close, vertical coverage of normal 2mm, if the upper and lower teeth can not bite when open bite, leading to the upper and lower incisors can not bite food, speak air leak, saliva, the mouth can not be closed

5. teeth crossbite, also known as the anti reverse occlusion, namely the mandibular anterior teeth bite to the outside of the maxillary anterior teeth, commonly known as the day, in addition to aesthetic problems, will cause mastication, pronunciation dysfunction. If it is not normal to reverse the bony jaw, often with orthognathic surgery.


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